Yuda Atsushi | Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Higashiyamato Hospital
Yuda Atsushi
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Yuda Atsushi
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Higashiyamato Hospital
Nishimoto Masayoshi
Department of Emegency Medicine, Osaka Mishima Emergency and Critical Care Center
Takai Shinji
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Department of Pharmacology, Osaka Medical College
Takai Shinji
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Medical College
Sasaki Shinjiro
Department Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery
Sasaki Shinjiro
Department Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery Osaka Medical College
Nishimoto Masayoshi
Department Of Emegency Medicine Osaka Mishima Emergency And Critical Care Center
Nishimoto Masayoshi
Department Of Dermatology Kagawa Medical University
- Oral Administration of a Specific Chymase Inhibitor, NK3201, Suppresses the Development of Aneurysmal Dilatation on Hamster Experimental Aneurysm Model
- Possible Roles of Angiotensin II-Forming Enzymes, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Chymase-like Enzyme, in the Human Aneurysmal Aorta
- Role of chymase in the development of aneurysmal formation; An experimental aneurysm model
- Vacuum-assisted closure for postcardiac surgery mediastinitis in a patient on hemodialysis