Go Nobuhiro | Cent. Prom. Compt. Sci. Eng., JAEA
Sarai Akinori
Dept. Bioscience And Bioinformatics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Sarai Akinori
Kyusyu Institute Of Technology
Sarai Akinori
Dept Bioscience And Bioinformatics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Sarai Akinori
Dept Life Bioscience And Bioinformatics Graduate School Of Computer Science And Systems Engineering
Sarai Akinori
Dept. Of Biosci. Bioinf. Kyushu Inst. Of Tech.
Fujii Satoshi
Dept. Bioscience And Bioinformatics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Go Nobuhiro
Computational Biology Jaea
Kono Hidetoshi
Computational Biology Jaea:presto Jst
Kono Hidetoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency:presto Jst
Kono Hidetoshi
Computational Biology Japan Atomic Energy Agency:presto Jst
Kono Hidetoshi
Cent. Prom. Compt. Sci. Eng., JAEA
Go Nobuhiro
Cent. Prom. Compt. Sci. Eng., JAEA
Go Nobuhiro
Computational Biology Group Neutron Biology Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kono Hidetoshi
Cent. Prom. Compt. Sci. Eng. Jaea:presto
Go Nobuhiro
Cent. Prom. Compt. Sci. Eng. Jaea
Fujii Satoshi
Dept. Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Sarai Akinori
Department Of Bioscience And Bioinformatics Graduate School Of Computer Science And Systems Engineer
Sarai Akinori
Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Sarai Akinori
Kyushu Institute Of Technology. Department Of Bioscience And Bioinformatics
Takenaka Shigeori
Dept. Materials Sci. Kyushu Inst. Of Tchnol.
- 2P-116 分子動力学シミュレーションによる環境条件の違いにおけるDNAのコンフォーメーション変化の解析(核酸・構造物性,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P180 Analysis of sequence-dependent conformation of DNA backbone torsion angles by molecular dynamics simulations(36. DNA to chromatin,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)