WATANABE Yoshinori | Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo Ika-Shika National University
WATANABE Yoshinori
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo Ika-Shika National University
Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering and Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medica
Numano Fujie
The Their Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dentao University
Numano Fujio
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Numano Fujio
Institute For Cardiovascular Diseases Tokyo Ika-shika National University
Takahashi Takeo
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Dept. of Intern. Med. Tokyo Ika-Shika National Univ.
Japan Atherosclerosis Research Institute
Shimamoto Takio
Instit. for Cardiovasc. Dis., Tokyo Med. and Denlal Univ. School of Med
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
SAGARA Atsushi
Circulatory Division of Medicine,SANRAKU Hospital
Shimamoto Takio
Japan Atherosclerosis Research Foundation
Sagara Atsushi
Circulatory Division Of Medicine Sanraku Hospital
Kobayashi Masahiko
Institute For Cardiovascular Diseases Tokyo Ika-shika National University
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo Ika-Shika National University
SAGARA Atsushi
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo Ika-Shika National University
Shimamoto Takio
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Kuroiwa Tomoe
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Kuroiwa Tomoe
Institute For Cardiovascular Diseases Tokyo Ika-shika National University
Shimamoto Takio
Tokyo Ika-shika Nalional University Inslitute For Cardiovascular Diseases
Shimamoto Takio
3rd Dept. Of Med. Tokyo Med. And Dent. Univ.
Sagara Atsushi
Tokyo Ika-shika Nalional University Inslitute For Cardiovascular Diseases
Shimamoto Takio
3rd Dept. Of Intern. Med. Tokyo
Numano Fujio
Department Of Internal Medicine (3) Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Numano Fujie
Department Of Internal Medicine (3) Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Takahashi Takeo
Institute For Cardiovascular Diseases Tokyo Ika-shika National University
Watanabe Yoshinori
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Watanabe Yoshinori
Institute Of Molecular And Cellular Biosciences University Of Tokyo
Shimamoto Tatsuo
The 3rd Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental Univ. School Of Med.
Sagara Atsushi
Institute For Cardiovascular Diseases Tokyo Ika-shika National University
- Microbiochemical Studies on Changes of Phosphofructokinase and Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity in Intima and Media of Aortic Wall of Rabbits in the Course of Cholesterol Feeding
- WS2-2 Various roles of the centromeric protector shugoshin(Workshop 2: "Puzzles of the chromosomes under the microscopic systems: the current studies of the Genome Dynamics",Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromos