LEE Jong-Ig | Division of Information System Engineering, Dorigseo University
CHO Young-Ki
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University
Lee J‐i
Dongseo Univ. Pusan Kor
Cho Y‐k
Kyungpook National Univ. Taegu Kor
Ko Ji-hwan
School Of Electronic Engineering Kumoh National University Of Technology
Cho Young-ki
School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.
LEE Jong-Ig
Division of Information System Engineering, Dorigseo University
LEE Jong-Ig
Division of Information System Engineering, Dongseo University
- A Note on Diffraction and Equivalent Admittance Properties of a Transverse Slit in a Parallel Plate Waveguide Filled with a Homogeneous Dielectric(Antenna and Propagation)
- A Note on Diffraction and Equivalent Admittance Properties of a Transverse Slit in a Parallel Plate Waveguide Filled with a Homogeneous Dielectric