Sayama Katsuhiko | Forestry And Forest Products Res. Inst. Hokkaido Jpn
Sayama Katsuhiko
Forestry And Forest Products Res. Inst. Hokkaido Jpn
Sayama Katsuhiko
Systematic Entomology Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Takahashi Jun‐ichi
Kyoto Univ. Shiga Jpn
Takahashi Jun-ichi
Laboratory Of Systematic Entomology Department Of Ecology And Systematics Graduate School Of Agricul
Sayama Katsuhiko
Systematic Entomology Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University Sapporo And Hokkaido Resear
SAYAMA Katsuhiko
Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Takahashi Jun-ichi
Laboratory Of Animal Molecular Ecology And Apiculture Kyoto Sangyo University
- Foundress behaviors and interactions in polygynous colonies of the haplometrotic Japanese paper wasp Polistes snelleni (Hymenoptera : Vespidae)
- Mating structure and genetic relatedness among gynes in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes snelleni (Hymenoptera : Vespidae)