AKAI Hiromu | Tokyo University of Agriculture
AKAI Hiromu
Tokyo University of Agriculture
Nagashima Takayuki
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tokyo University of Agriculture
Tokyo University of Agriculture
Akai Hiromu
International Soc. Wild Silkmoths
Igarashi Yumiko
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Yamamoto Izuru
Tokyo University Of Agriculture Department Of Agricultural Chemistry
Yamada Hidenori
Department Of Bioengineering Science Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Yamada H
Institute For Bee Products And Health Science Yamada Apiculture Center Inc.
Yamada Hisami
Laboratory Of Molecular Microbiology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
- Ultrastructures of Silk Glands and Cocoon Filaments from the Mexican Silkmoth, Eucheira socialis
- Sericin-like Protein from the Cocoons of the Parasitic Wasp Apanteles glomeratus
- Mode of action of an insect growth regulator buprofezin on Gryllodes sigilatus, WALKER
- Structural Characteristics of Cocoon Filament from Rothschildia Silkmoth
- Why are Lysosomes not Released into Silk Gland Lumen of Bombyx larvae
- Porous Cocoon Filaments : Their Characteristics and Fomation
- Ultrastructural Characteristics of Silk Secretion during Embryonic Development of Bombyx mori
- Structural Characteristics of Cocoon Filament of the African Silkmoth, Argema mimosae
- Some Information on Cricula Silkmoths
- Calcium Crystals of Cocoon Shell from African Gonometa Silkmoth (Lasiocampidae)