Masuda Akimasa | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Masuda Akimasa
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Masuda Akimasa
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
MURAE Tatsushi
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Sciences, Kyushu University
Murae Tatsushi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Murae Tatsushi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Takeyoshi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Takahashi Takeyoshi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Takeyoshi
Department Of Applied Biological Science College Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Nihon Univer
Murae Tatsushi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Adachi Mamoru
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences School Of Science Nagoya University
- Pyrolytic nature of carbonaceous matter in carbonaceous chondrites and secondary metamorphsm
- Spectroscopic studies of acid-resistant residues of carbonaceous chondrites
- Pyrolytic studies of carbonaceous matter in Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites
- Pyrolytic studies of organic components in Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites Y-74662 and ALH-77307
- Organic components in carbonaceous chondrite ALH-77307,51 (extended abstract)
- Examination of Effects of Shock and Weathering for the Antarctic L6 Chondrites, Yamato-74190 and Allan Hills-769, by the Rb-Sr Method
- The Spatial Distributions of SO and N_2H^+ in Taurus Molecular Cloud-1(TMC-1)
- Detection of 236U and variation of uranium isotope composition in the soil samples affected by the JCO criticality accident
- In-pattern tetrad effect-like variation, so far overlooked, but obviously observed in REE abundances of REE minerals
- Constraint on the geochemical stage causing tetrad effect in kimuraite : Comparative studies on kimuraite and its related rocks, from REE pattern and Nd isotope ratio