倉橋 明次 | 大阪大学工学部
- 抵抗円板制御による船室、船艙内空気ダクトの一様分配に関する研究
- 管路網の電気的近似解法
- 管路網の電気的近似解法
- 噴出気流の特性(第1報)
- 噴出気流の特性(第1報)
- 組合せ管路網における一様流量分配
- 組合せ管路網における一様流量分配
- 既設任意ダクトの流量調整-1-
- 既設任意ダクトの流量調整-2-
- 屋内空気状態の衞生学的研究-9-
- 屋内空気状態の衛生学的研究-8-
- 既設任意ダクトの流量調整-2-
- 既設任意ダクトの流量調整-1-
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(11th Report) On Design of CentralSystem Pneumaniez's Duct
- New Psychrometric Charts for the Use of Drying, Humldlfyikng and Air Condltioning:Part5 : Application to Humidifying and Air Conditioning Apparatus
- New Psychrometric Charts of the Use of Drying, Humidifying and Air Conditioning:Part 4 : Application to Drying Apparatus
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(12th Report) Trial Manufacture and Experiment of Pneumaniez for Wool Ring Frame
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(6 th Report) On Collective Suction and Individual Suction
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(7 th Report) Fundamental Theory of New Type Pneumaniez
- Design of Pneumafil and Researches- on its Characteristics:(2 nd Report) On the Characteristics of the Suction Duct System
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(3 rd Report) On the Design. of Uniform Suction Ducts
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(4ndReport) Experimental Studies on the Pnuemaniez Duct
- Flow Control of Given Duct System (Part 2)
- Design of Pneumafil and Researches on its Characteristics (1st Report):Fundamental Characteristic Equation of Suction Ducts
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(8th Report) on Synthetic Perfornlance of Pneumaniez (Part 1)
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(5th Report) Studies on Catcher Nozzle and Critical Velocity
- New Psychrometric Charts for the Use of Drying, Humidifying and Air Conditioning:Part3 : Studies of Wet Bulb Ternperature on Psychrometric Chart
- New Psychrometric Charts for the Use of Drying, Humidification, and Air Conditioning:Part1 : Constitution of Charts
- Suction Conditions of Cul Flecce in Wool-Spinning
- Design of Pneumaniez and Researches on its Characteristics:(10th Report) Experiment on Blow Cleaner make use of Pneumaniez's exhaust Air