Imamura Mineo | Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Imamura Mineo
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Imamura Mineo
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Shibata Seiichi
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
UWAMINO Yoshitomo
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Honda Masatake
The Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Nishizumi Kunihiko
Department of Chemistry, B-017, University of California
Nishizumi Kunihiko
Department Of Chemistry B-017 University Of California
Ishikawa Masayori
広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所 分子発がん制御研究分野
Nakao N
Radioisotope Center University Of Tokyo
Shibata Seiichi
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
- Search for the extra-terrestrial materials in deep sea sediments
- Measurements of Activation Cross Sections on Spallation Reactions for ^Co and ^Cu at Incident Neutron Energies of 40 to 120 MeV
- A Method to Estimate the Fast-Neutron Fluence for the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
- Cosmic Ray Produced Radionuclides in Antarctic Meteorites
- Cosmogenic K-40 in Antarctic Meteorites
- Cosmogenic 53Mn Survey of Yamato Meteorites
- Cosmic Ray Induced 53Mn in Yamato-7301(j), -7305(k) and -7304(m) Meteorites
- Chromium isotopic composition of some chondritic meteorites
- Cosmogenic 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and Their Exposure History
- Electrochemical calorimetry of D2O electrolysis using a palladium cathode. An undivided, open cell system.