Saeki Motoshi | Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
SAEKI Motoshi
Dept. of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Saeki Motoshi
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
ZENMYO Teruyoshi
Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamamoto Kazuma
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Oda Takafumi
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Office)yokogawa Electric Corporatio
Saeki Motoshi
Dept. Biol. Earth Sci., Ehime Univ.
Takaishi Minoru
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Dept. of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
KAZATO Hiroshi
Dept. of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
ZENMYO Teruyoshi
Dept. of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kazato Hiroshi
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address)ntt Data Corporation
Watahiki Kenji
Dept. Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address)hewlett-packard Japan Ltd.
Zenmyo Teruyoshi
Department Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kobayashi Takashi
Global Scientific Information And Computing Center Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kobayashi Takashi
Dept. Biol. Earth Sci. Ehime Univ.
- Attributed Goal-Oriented Analysis Method for Selecting Alternatives of Software Requirements
- Combining Goal-Oriented Analysis and Use Case Analysis(Requirement Engineering)(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)
- Formalizing Refactoring by Using Graph Transformation(Metrics, Test, and Maintenance)(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)
- Supporting Application Framework Selection Based on Labeled Transition Systems(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)
- Meta-Modeling Based Version Control System for Software Diagrams(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)