Shiotani Yahe | Dep. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Shiotani Yahe
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Shiotani Yahe
Dep. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical Schcool
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Tohyama Masaya
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Inst. Of Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Neuroanatormy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University School Of Medicine
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical Schcool
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Pharmacology Ii And Neuroanatomy Osaka Unversity School Of Medicine
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Shiosaka Sadao
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Tohyama Masaya
Department of Anatomy, Osaka University Medical School
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Anatomy (ii) Osaka University Medical School
Shiotani Yahe
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
Dept. Neuroanatomy, Inst. Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka Uni. Med. Sch.
Shiosaka Sadao
Dept. Neuroanat., Inst. Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Kawai Yuriko
Dept. Otolaryngology Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. School Of Medicin
Dept. Neuroanat., Inst. for Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Shiosaka Sadao
Dept. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Tohyama Masaya
Dept. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Kawasaki Yoshiaki
Dept. Otolaryngology Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. School Of Medicin
Shiotani Yahe
Dept. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Emson Piers
Dept. Of Chemical Pathology London Univ. Royal Postgraduate Medical School
Lee Yasuhide
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Inst. Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Medical School
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Anatomy Osaka University Medical School
Emson P.
Mrc Neurochem. Pharmacological. Unit Med. Sch. Cambridge
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Dep. Neuroanat., Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Macintyre Iain
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Inst. Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Medical School
Yamano Mariko
Dep. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Inagaki Shinobu
Departhtent Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
Inagaki Shinobu
Third Dept. Int. Med. Hiroshima Univ. Med. Sch.
Dept. of Neuroanatomy, Inst. of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Dept. of Chemical Pathology London Univ. Royal Postgraduate Medical School
Takami Kenji
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Inst. Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Medical School
Tohyama Masaya
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Kawai Yuriko
Dept. Of Neuroanatomy Inst. Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. Medical School
Inagaki Shinobu
1st Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Med. Sch
Nakagawa Yoshitsugu
Department of Cardiology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Dep. Neuroanat. Osaka Univ .Medical School
Takeda Noriaki
Dept. Otolaryngology Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. School Of Medicin
Nakagawa Yoshitsugu
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
LEE Yasuhide
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Shimizu Keiji
Dept. Neurosurg. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
MIYAO Yasutaka
Dept. Neurosurg., Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Dept. Neurosurg., Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Dept. Neurosurg., Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
MOGAMI Heitaro
Dept. Neurosurg., Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
HAMAOKA Toshiyuki
Dept. Oncogenesis, Inst. for Cancer, Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Hayakawa Tohru
Dept. Neurosurg. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Smith David
Dep. Pharmacol. Cambridge & Dep. Pharmacol
Bai Fu-Ling
Dep. Neuroanat., Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Dep. Neuroanat., Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Dep. Pharmacol., Cambridge, & Dep. Pharmacol
Bai Fu-ling
Dep. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Yamano Mariko
Department Of Rehabilitation Osaka Prefecture College Of Nursing
Yamano Mariko
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
Miyao Yasutaka
Dept. Neurosurg. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Mogami Heitaro
Dept. Neurosurg. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Dept. Otolaryngology, Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher nervous Activity, Osaka Univ. School of Medi
Dept. Otolaryngology, Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher nervous Activity, Osaka Univ. School of Medi
Matsunaga Toru
Dept. Otolaryngology Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. School Of Medicin
Kitajiri Masanori
Dept. Otolaryngology Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka Univ. School Of Medicin
KAWAI Yuriko
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Hamaoka Toshiyuki
Dept. Oncogenesis Inst. Cancer Res. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
MRC Neurochemical pharmacological Unit, Medical School
MRC Neurochemical pharmacological Unit, Medical School
Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka Univ. Med. School.
Department of Ophthalmology and Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University
Kawai Yuriko
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
Tohyama Masaya
Dep. Neuroanat. Inst. Higher Nerv. Act. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Inagaki Shinobu
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity
Katayama-kumoi Yayoi
Dept. Neuroanatomy Inst. Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medvcal School
Manabe Reizo
Department Of Ophthalmology And Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University M
Yoshida Tatsuo
Dept. Neurosurg. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
- The Distribution of Neuropeptide Y(NPY) like Immunoreactive(NPYI) Structures in the Rat Brain:Forebrain and Upper Brain Stem
- A human glioma cell line of a positive immunostaining for somatostatin
- Arcuatefugal neuropeptide Y(NPY)-containing neuron system in the rat
- Localization and Origins of CGRP Containing Fibers in the Organ of Corti of the rat
- The long descending somatostatin (SRIF) pathways from amygdaloid complex (Amy) to the lower brain stem in the rat
- Experimental and Immunohistochemical analysis of Substance P (SP) fibers in the the Parabrachial area(PB).
- An Evidence for Existence of Paraventriculo-Ventromedial hypothalamic Leu-Enkephalinergic Neuron System
- Immunohistochemical Evidence for the Coexistence of Calcitonin Gene-Related peptide- and Choline Acetyltransferase-like Immunoreactivity in the Rat Brain.
- Topographic Locarization of Calcitonin Gene-Related peptide in the Rat Brain : An Immunohistochemical Analysis
- Coexistence of two antigens in the single cell soma : Electron microscopic (EM) analysis
- A simple and reliable combination technique of retrograde tracing and immunohistochemistry