Kamomae Hideo | Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Kamomae Hideo
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Tanaka Tomomi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Tanaka T
Lab. Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo Univ. Of Agriculture And Technol.
Kaneda Yoshihiro
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
KANEDA Yoshihiro
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Tanaka T
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
田中 知己
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
西貝 正彦
KUROIWA Takenobu
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
西貝 正彦
Kuroiwa Takenobu
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Kaneda Y
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo
Kamomae H
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo
田中 知己
加茂前 秀夫
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
NAGAI Kiyosuke
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
KIM Seungjoon
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Kim Seungjoon
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
ENDO Natsumi
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
ENDO Natsumi
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
NAGAI Kiyosuke
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Unuversity
Kamomae H
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
LU Wengeng
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Lu Wengeng
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Zabuli Jahid
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
KENGAKU Kazuhiro
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Labortory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo 1
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
FUKUDA Masaharu
Saitama Prefectual Chichibu Highland Farm
Kamomae Hideo
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Ishibashi Ai
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Kengaku Kazuhiro
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Laboratory of Veterinary Ethology, The University of Tokyo
Laboratory of Neurobiology, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
KIM Seungjoon
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, Cheju National University
金田 義宏
加茂前 秀夫
金田 義宏
東京農工大 農
齋藤 康倫
田中 知己
Laboratory of Veterinary Ethology, The University of Tokyo
Laboratory of Veterinary pathology, Tokyo University of agriculture and Technology
Mori Y
Laboratory Of Veterinary Ethology The University Of Tokyo
Hayashi Shinji
Laboratory Of Endocrinology Graduate School Of Integrated Science Yokohama City University
椎名 剛
IWAMURA Shokichi
National Institute of Animal Health
椎名 剛
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
林 〔シン〕治
Laboratory of Endocrinology, Graduate School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City University
Yoshioka Koji
National Inst. Of Animal Health
Mori Yuji
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Mori Yuji
Laboratory Of Veterinary Ethology The University Of Tokyo
Kim Seungjoon
Department Of Veterinary Anatomy College Of Veterinary Medicine Chonnam National University
Okamura Hiroaki
Laboratory Of Neurobiology National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
織田 潤
Machida Noboru
Laboratory Of Veterinary Pathology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
高村 亜紀子
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Haruna Satoko
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Orita Jun
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai-
Nasu ET Institute
OHGATA Natsuki
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Saiwai-cho 3-
Reproductive Science Program, The University of Michigan, U. S. A.
SAITO Yasumichi
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
SHIINA Tsuyoshi
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
KENGAKU Kazuhiro
Seibu Clinical Center, Chiba Prefectural Federation of Agricultural Mutual Aid Associations
Karsch Fred
Reproductive Science Program The University Of Michigan
Ohgata Natsuki
Laboratory Of Veterinary Reproduction Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Takeuchi Yukari
Laboratory Of Veterinary Ethology The University Of Tokyo
加茂前 秀夫
Mori Yuji
Laboratory Of Veterinary Ethology Animal Resource Science The University Of Tokyo
Yamaguchi Toshihiko
Laboratories Of Crop Science College Of Agriculture University Of Osaka Prefecture
Okamura Hiroaki
Laboratory Of Adaptation Physiology National Institute Of Animal Industry Ministry Of Agriculture Fo
西貝 正彦
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
西貝 正彦
Nasu ET Institute
金 昇準
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
見学 一宏
Seibu Clinical Center, Chiba Prefectural Federation of Agricultural Mutual Aid Associations
田中 知己
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Kaneda Yoshihiro
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
Tanaka Tomomi
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University, Gifu 501-1193, Japan
Mori Yuji
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nishigai Masahiko
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Oncology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3–5–8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183–8509, Japan
織田 潤
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
齋藤 康倫
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
黒岩 武信
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
石橋 愛
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
福田 昌治
Saitama Prefectual Chichibu Highland Farm
Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, National, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Laboratory of Veterinary Reproduction, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- ウシの内側視索前野および視床下部内側底部におけるエストロジェンレセプターαの解析
- Ultrasonographic Uterine Changes and Vaginal Discharges Following Intrauterine Infusion of Liquid Paraffin in Cows
- The Effects of Short-Term Nutritional Stimulus Before and After the Luteolysis on Metabolic Status, Reproductive Hormones and Ovarian Activity in Goats
- Changes in the Peripheral Concentrations of Inhibin, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Progesterone and Estradiol-17β During Turnover of Cystic Follicles in Dairy Cows with Spontaneous Follicular Cysts
- シバヤギの発情周期における超音波画像検査による卵巣の観察
- 人絨毛性性腺刺激ホルモン投与による牛における黄体形成および機能の増強
- 未経産牛における黄体初期からのプロジェステロン腟内徐放剤(PRID)処置による発情同期化と受胎成績
- 乳牛における子宮角超音波画像の解析
- The Relationship of Blood Progesterone and Estrogen Concentrations on the Day Before and the Day of Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer to Pregnancy Rate in Japanese Black Beef Cattle
- 卵巣静止牛および卵巣に嚢腫化構造物を有する乳牛に対するエストラジオールカプセル含有の腟内留置型プロジェステロン徐放剤(PRID)の治癒効果
- Estrus Synchronization and Conception Rate after a Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (PRID) Treatment from the Early Luteal Phase in Heifers
- Changes of Ovarian Structures, Plasma LH, FSH, Progesterone and Estradiol-17β in a Cow with Ovarian Cysts Showing Spontaneous Recovery and Relapse
- Hypophyseal Portal Blood Collection for Analysis of GnRH Neurosecretion in Shiba Goats
- 牛の凍結胚移植における胚の発育ステージおよび品質と受胎成績
- Pregnancy Rate and Blood Progesterone Concentrations on the Previous Day and the Day of Frozen Embryo Transfer in Parous Recipient Cows of Japanese Black
- Profiles of Ovarian Steroids, Luteinizing Hormone and Estrous Signs from Luteolysis to Ovulation in Lactating and Non-lactating Dairy Cows
- Exposure to Estrogen Mimicking the Level of Late Pregnancy Suppresses Estrus Subsequently Induced by Estrogen at the Level of the Follicular Phase in Ovariectomized Shiba Goats
- Changes in Plasma Progesterone Levels in the Caudal Vena Cava and the Jugular Vein and Luteinizing Hormone Secretion Pattern After Feeding in Lactating and Non-lactating Dairy Cows
- Nutritionally Induced Body Weight Loss and Ovarian Quiescence in Shiba Goats.
- Profiles of Ovarian Steroids, Luteinizing Hormone and Estrous Signs from Luteolysis to Ovulation in Lactating and Non-lactating Dairy Cows