Igawa Yasuhiko | Department Of Urology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Igawa Yasuhiko
Department Of Urology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Nishizawa Osamu
Department Of Urology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Nishizawa Osamu
Department Of Urology Akita University School Of Medicine
Igawa Y
Department of Urology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Kato Haruaki
Department Of Urology Shinshu University Hospital
Kato Haruaki
Department Of Urology School Of Medicine Shinshu University
Kato Haruaki
Department Of Pathology And Urology Komoro Kosei Hospital
Nishizawa Osamu
Departments Of Urology Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Department of Urology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Departments of Urology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
- Enhanced continent mechanism of the tapered ileum by extramural support of pouch-abdominal wall
- Rupture of urachal diverticulum in radiation cystitis and neurogenic bladder dysfunction after radical hysterectomy
- Clinical guideline for male lower urinary tract symptoms
- Clinical guidelines for overactive bladder
- Incontinent Ileal Tube Repaired by Infolding with the Ileal Pouch Wall
- Characterization of β-Adrenoceptor Subtype in Bladder Smooth Muscle in Cynomolgus Monkey
- Optimization of orthotopic colonic bladder: Implantation of tubularized mucosal flap from colonic segment into demucosalized urethra
- Frequent Recurrence of Superficial Bladder Tumors in the Periorificial Region:Possilbe Predictor for Delayed Appearance of Invasive Intramural Ureteric Cancer
- Serous-lined extramural tunnel technique for uretero-ileal implantation in urinary diversion
- Autologous bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation into injured rat urethral sphincter