Turek Andrew | Department Of Earth Sciences University Of Windsor
Turek Andrew
Department Of Earth Sciences University Of Windsor
Turek Andrew
Department of Earth Science, University of Windsor
Kim C‐b
Chonnam National Univ. Kwangju Kor
Turek A
Department Of Earth Science University Of Windsor
KIM Cheong-Bin
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul Natioral University
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
Chang H‐w
School Of Earth And Environmental Sciences Seoul National University
Kim Cheong-bin
Department Of Geology Chonnam National University
Chang Ho-wan
School Of Earth And Environmental Sciences (bk 21) Seoul National University
Kim Cheong-bin
School Of Earth And Environmental Sciences (bk 21) Seoul National University
KI Cheong-Bin
Department ofGeology, Chonnam National University
- U-Pb zircon ages of Mesozoic plutons in the Damyang-Geochang area Ryongnam massif, Korea
- U-Pb zircon ages and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions for Permian-Jurassic plutons in the Ogcheon belt and Ryeongnam massif, Korea : Tectonic implications and correlation with the China Qinling-Dabie belt and the Japan Hida belt
- U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sm-Nd-Pb isotopic constraint for Precambrian plutonic rocks in the northeastern part of Ryeongnam massif, Korea
- U-Pb zircon ages for Precambrian rocks in southwestern Ryeongnam and southwestern Gyeonggi massifs, Korea
- Advances in U-Pb zircon geochronology of Mesozoic plutonism in the southwestern part of Ryeongnam massif, Korea