Sugita Ayumu | Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
Sugita Ayumu
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
Department of Physics,Graduate School of Science,Kyoto University
松柳 研一
Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory Riken Nishina Center:yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics
Arita Ken-ichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Matsuyanagi Kenichi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Arita Ken-ichiro
Department Of Physics Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Matsuyanagi Kenichi
Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory Riken Nishina Center
Sugita Ayumu
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
ARITA Kenichiro
Department of Physics, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Semiclassical Origin of Superdeformed Shell Structure in the Spheroidal Cavity Model : Nuclear Physics
- Periodic-Orbit Bifurcation and Shell Structure in Reflection-Asymmetric Deformed Cavity : Nuclear Physics
- Canonically invariant formulation of the semiclassical trace formula in terms of the phase space path integral(4) Quantum chaos and semiclassical theory in molecular science and nuclear theory, Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum-Mechanical and Macros
- Correlations of Observables in Chaotic States of Macroscopic Quantum Systems(General)
- Periodic-Orbit Bifurcation and Shell Structure in Reflection-Asymmetric Deformed Cavity : Nuclear Physics
- Semiclassical Origin of Superdeformed Shell Structure in the Spheroidal Cavity Model : Nuclear Physics