Lee Tae-woo | College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Park Sang-ho
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Kyogoku Yoshimasa
Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
Lee Tae-woo
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Won Hyung-Sik
College of Pharmacr; Seoul National Unicersitl
Lee Bong-Jin
College of Pharmacr; Seoul National Unicersitl
Lee Bong-jin
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
KYOGOKU Yoshimasa
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Won H‐s
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
Won Hyung-sik
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
PARK Sang-Ho
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
LEE Tae-Woo
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Lee B‐j
College Of Pharmacy Seoul National University
Park S‐h
Hanyang Univ. Seoul Kor
- Detection of the Protein-Protein Interaction between Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein and RNA Polymerase, by ^C-Carbonyl NMR^1
- Detection of the Protein-Protein Interaction between Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein and RNA Polymerase, by 13C-Carbonyl NMR.