Suzaki T. | Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Kobe Univ.
Suzaki T.
Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Kobe Univ.
Suzaki T.
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Kobe Univ.
Khan S
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Sakaguchi M.
Inst. Zool., Berlin Free Univ.
Khan S.
Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Kobe Univ.
Hatakeyama M.
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Kobe Univ.
Khan S.
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Kobe Univ.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Shizuoka Saiseikai Hosp.
Arikawa M.
Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Kobe Univ.
Suzaki T
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Kobe Univ.
Arikawa M
Nara Women's Univ. Nara Jpn
Murata K.
Nat. Inst. Physiol. Sci.
- FEEDING BEHAVIOR AND ULTRACTRUCTURE OF KINETOCYST IN THE HELIOZOON RAPHIDIOPHRYS CONTRACTILIS(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- CALCIUM-DEPENDENT CYTOPLASMIC CONTRACTION IN THE HELIOZOON ACTINOPHRYS SOL(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- AXOPODIAL SURFACE MOTILITY IN THE HELIOZOON ACTINOPHRYS SOL(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGE OF CELL MEMBRANE INTEGRATED PARACRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE DURING CELL SHAPE CHANGE IN EUGLENA GRACILLIS(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)