Fukuda T | Tokyo Research Laboratory Ibm Japan Ltd.
NITTA Tsuneo
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Nitta T
Graduate School Of Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Nitta Tsuneo
The Graduate School Of Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
GHULAM Muhammad
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
FUKUDA Takashi
Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan Ltd.
Fukuda T
Tokyo Research Laboratory Ibm Japan Ltd.
Ghulam Muhammad
Graduate School Of Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Nitta Tsuneo
Graduate School Of Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Katsurada Kouichi
Graduate School Of Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
- Canonicalization of Feature Parameters for Robust Speech Recognition Based on Distinctive Phonetic Feature (DPF) Vectors
- PS-ZCPA Based Feature Extraction with Auditory Masking, Modulation Enhancement and Noise Reduction for Robust ASR(Speech Recognition, Statistical Modeling for Speech Processing)
- Confidence Scoring for Accurate HMM-Based Speech Recognition by Using Monophone-Level Normalization Based on Subspace Method (Special Issue on Speech Information Processing)