田中 喜代次 | Institute of Health aud Spori Sciences. University of Tsukuba
田中 喜代次
Institute of Health aud Spori Sciences. University of Tsukuba
田中 喜代次
Institute Of Health And Sport Sciences University Of Tsukuba.
渡辺 一志
前田 一也
Department Of Health Science And Physical Education. Osaka City University
金 秀
Department of Science of Living. Osaka City Unversity
田中 喜代次
横山 高彬
Act Me Laboratory
中塘 二三生
Division of Exercise PhysiologyOsaka Prefectural College of Nursing
前田 如矢
Division of Exercise Physiology Department of Health Science and Physical Education
田中 喜代次
Instztute of Health and Sport Scences, Unlversity of Tsukuba
中塘 二三夫
Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing
喜多尾 浩代
Pl Gakuen Vvomen's Junior College
渡辺 一志
Osaka City University.
角田 聡
Osaka Gakuin University
- Effects of Exercise Training at an Intensity Relative to Lactate Threshold in Mildly Obese Women
- 電極の差異がBioelectrical Impedance 値に及ぼす影響
- Cardiorespiratory and Lactate Responses to A 1-hour Submaximal Running at the Lactate Threshold
- Lactate-related Factors as a Critical Determinant of Endurance
- Physiologic Status at 1-year Follow-up of Obese Women Engaged in a Supervised Conditioning Program