Horiguchi Gorou | National Institute For Basic Biology
塚谷 裕一
東大 基礎生物学研
Tsukaya Hirokazu
Plant Biology Research Center Chubu University:college Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu Univers
Horiguchi Gorou
National Institute For Basic Biology
Tsukaya H
National Institute For Basic Biology/okazaki Institutes For Integrated Bioscience
Tsukaya Hirokazu
National Inst. Basic Biology Aichi Jpn
Tsukaya Hirokazu
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Tsukaya Hirokazu
National Institute For Basic Biology/okazaki Institutes For Integrated Bioscience
Tanaka Hirokazu
Divison Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
塚谷 裕一
National Institute for Basic Biology, Center for Integrated Bioscience
- The Different Growth Responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Blade and the Petiole during Shade Avoidance are Regulated by Photoreceptors and Sugar
- Microarray analysis of compensated cell enlargement in angustifolia3
- Compensated cell enlargement occurs post-mitotically and is achieved by several different mechanisms
- Classification of compensated cell enlargement by the extra-small sisters mutations
- Dissection of Enhanced Cell Expansion Processes in Leaves Triggered by a Defect in Cell Proliferation, with Reference to Roles of Endoreduplication
- Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana
- ANGUSTIFOLIA3 Plays Roles in Adaxial/Abaxial Patterning and Growth in Leaf Morphogenesis