Osaka Masahiko | Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Koyama Shin-ichi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Osaka Masahiko
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Osaka Masahiko
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Koyama S
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Koyama Shinichi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Mitsugashira Toshiaki
Tohoku University
Mitsugashira Toshiaki
The Oarai-branch Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Mitsugashira Toshiaki
Oarai Lab. Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Mitsugashira Toshiaki
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Mitsugashira Toshiaki
The Oarai-branch Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
MOROZUMI Katsufumi
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
OSAKA Masahiko
Alpha Gamma Section, O-arai Engineering Center, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
KOYAMA Shin-ichi
Alpha Gamma Section, O-arai Engineering Center, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Itoh Masahiko
PESCO Co., Ltd.
Namekawa T
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Namekawa T
Japan Nuclear Cycle Dev. Inst. Ibaraki
MOROZUMI Katsufumi
Alpha Gamma Section, O-arai Engineering Center, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
SAITO Masaki
Tokyo institute of Technology
SAGARA Hiroshi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
SEKINE Takashi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Namekawa Takashi
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Saito Masaki
Tokyo Institute Of Technol.
Sagara Hiroshi
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol.
Namekawa Takashi
Alpha-gamma Section Fuels And Materials Division Irradiation Center O-arai Engineering Center Japan
Otsuka Yuko
Alpha Gamma Section O-arai Engineering Center Power Reactor And Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
ITOH Masahiko
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
O-arai branch, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
KONNO Koichi
Alpha Gamma Section, O-arai Engineering Center, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporati
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Development Section, Head Office, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp
Kajitani Mikio
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Development Section Head Office Power Reactor And Nuclear Fuel Development Corpor
Konno K
Japan Nuclear Cycle Dev. Inst.
Itoh Masahiko
Pesco Co. Ltd.
Sekine Takashi
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Koyama Shinichi
Alpha Gamma Section, O-arai Engineering Center, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
- Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity : Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and the Advanced Test Reactor at INL
- Analysis of Curium in Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiated in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO for the Evaluation of Its Transmutation Behavior
- Measurement of Burnup in FBR MOX Fuel Irradiated to High Burnup
- Analysis of Irradiated ^Np in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO for the Evaluation of its Transmutation Behavior in a Fast Reactor
- Analysis of Curium Isotopes in Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiated in Fast Reactor
- Analysis of Minor Actinides in Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiated in Fast Reactor, (I) Determination of Neptunium-237