Park Hyun | Department Physical And Health Education The University Of Tokyo
Park Hyun
Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Kim Eun
Dong-A university
Kwon Yoo
Dong-A university
Park Sang
Dong-A university
Park Hyun
Department Physical And Health Education The University Of Tokyo
Park Hyun
Department Of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute Of Science & Technology
Park Hyun
Department Of Computer Science Chungnam National University
Park Hyun
Department Of Ceramic Engineering Chonnam National University
Park Hyun
Department of Biotechnology, Yeungnam University
MUTOH Yoshiteru
Department of Physical and Health Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
- P-20 Multidimensional Community-Based Exercise and Reduction of the Risk for Hip Fracture in Elderly Women
- P-14 The effects of combined training β-aymloid and DHEAs concentration in Elderly women
- P-13 The effect of multi-component exercise on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in South Korean elderly women