Yamamoto Masayoshi | Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory Kanazawa University
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory Kanazawa University
KOMURA Kazuhisa
LLRL Kanazawa Univ.
YAMAMOTO Masayoshi
LLRL Kanazawa Univ.
Komura Kazuhisa
Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory Kanazawa University
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Llrl Kanasava University
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Low Level Radioactivity Lab. Kanazawa Univ.
Murata Yoshimasa
Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory Kanazawa University
Kawabata Yoshiko
Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory Kanazawa University
Yamamoto Masayoshi
Low Level Radioactivity Lab. Kanazawa University
YAMAMOTO Masayoshi
Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, K-INET, Kanazawa University
- An estimation of fast neutron flux from the JCO criticality accident by ^P production rate
- Studies of Forested Ecosystem by useing Natural Radionuclides Pb-210 and Be-7
- Activation of Soil and Chemical Reagents Exposed to the Neutrons Released by the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Estimation of neutron fluence by neutron-induced radionuclides in soils from the JCO campus
- Neutron Activation of Chemical Reagents in the JCO Criticality Accident
- Anomalous Uranium in Soil Samples from the JCO Criticality Accident Site
- Sedimentary Behavior of Tc-99 in Coastal Area in the Irish Sea
- Dose to Human via the Consumption of Foodstuffs.