大塚 晏央 | RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
大石 武
Riken Institute (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
大石 武
Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University:(present Address)meiji College Of Pharmacy
大石 武
大塚 晏央
Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University:(present Address)pharmaceutical Research Center
大塚 晏央
RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
伊藤 文隆
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
- Synthesis of (+)- and (-)-cis-α-Irones
- Studies on Taxane Synthesis III.Stereocontrolled Synthesis of a Twelve-Membered Lactam Sulfide as a Precursor of 4,8,11,11-Tetramethyl-3-oxobicyclo[5.3.1]undec-8-ene
- Studies on Taxane Synthesis. II. : Synthese of 3,8,11,11-Tetramethyl-4-oxo- and 4,8,11,11-Tetramethyl-3-oxo-bicyclo[5.3.1]undec-8-enes Corresponding to the A- and B-Rings of Taxane Diterpenes
- Studies on Taxane Synthesis. I. : Synthesis of 3,8,11,11-Tetramethyl-4-oxobicyclo[5.3.1]undecane as a Model for Taxane Synthesis