Hendrasto M. | Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVMBG)
Meilano Irwan
Research Center For Seismology Volcanology And Disaster Mitigation (rcsvdm) Nagoya University
Abidin Hasanuddin
Department of Geodesi Engineering, ITB
Gamal M.
Department Of Geodetic Engineering Institute Of Technology Bandung (itb)
Suganda O.k.
Directorate Of Volcanology And Geological Hazard Mitigation (dvmbg)
Andreas H.
Department of Geodetic Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
Hendrasto M.
Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVMBG)
Kimata F.
Research Center for Seismology, Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation (RCSVDM), Nagoya University
Purbawinata M.A.
Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVMBG)
Abidin Hasanuddin
Department Of Geodetic Engineering Institute Of Technology Bandung (itb)
Abidin Hasanuddin
Department Of Geodesi Engineering Itb
Kimata F
Research Center For Seismology Volcanology And Disaster Mitigation (rcsvdm) Nagoya University
Kimata F.
Research Center For Seismology And Volcanology Nagoya University