ABE Eiichi | The Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute of Industrial Technology
ARATA Yoshiaki
Osaka University
ABE Eiichi
The Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute of Industrial Technology
ABE Nobuyuki
Osaka University
Abe E
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Abe Eiichi
Osaka University:the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute Of Industrial Technology
Abe Nobuyuki
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Abe Nobuyuki
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Wang Hu
Osaka University:welding Research Department Of The Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Re
TOMIE Michio
Osaka University
Tomie Michio
Kinki University
The Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute of Industrial Technology
- Dynamic Observation of Beam Hole during Electron Beam Welding in Carbon Steel(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report V)(Welding Physics, Processes & Instruments)
- A Study on Dynamic Behaviours of Electron Beam Welding (Report I) : The Observation by a Fluoroscopic Method
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report IV) : Analysis of Beam Hole Behaviour by Transmission X-ray Method(WELDING PHYSICS, PROCESSES AND INSTRUMENTS)