TODO Takeshi | Dept. Radiation Biology, Fac. Med., Osaka Univ.
TODO Takeshi
Dept. Radiation Biology, Fac. Med., Osaka Univ.
Nomura Taisei
Dept. Of Radiation Biol. Faculty Of Med. Osaka Univ.
RYO Haruko
Dept. of Radiation Biology, Fac. of Med, Osaka Univ
Ryo Haruko
Dept. Of Radiation Biol. Faculty Of Med. Osaka Univ.
Nomura Taisei
Dept. Of Radiat. Biol.
Todo Takeshi
Radiat. Biol. Center Kyoto Univ.
KATO Tomohisa
Radiat Biol Center, Kyoto Univ
Kato Takesi
School Of Medicine Osaka University
Kato Tomohisa
Kato Tomohisa
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto University
Kato Tomohisa
Radiat Biol Center Kyoto Univ
Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University
Kato T
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto University
Kato Tomohisa
Radiat. Biol. Center Kyoto University
Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto Univ.
MORITA takashi
Dept. Microbial Geneties, Res. Inst. Microbial Diseases, Osaka Univ.
Sankar MITRA
Sealy Center for Mol. Sci., Univ.
Ikenaga M
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto University
Ikenaga Mituo
Sankar Mitra
Sealy Center For Mol. Sci. Univ.
Fujikawa Kayo
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto Univ.
Ikenaga Mituo
Radiat. Biol. Cent. Kyoto Univ.
Watanabe Hiroshi
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Sapporo Medical College
Kato Tomohisa
Radiat. Biol. Center Kyoto Univ.
Miura Masahiko
Molecular Diagnosis And Therapeutics Dept. Oral Restitution Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental
Morita Takashi
Dept. Microbial Geneties Res. Inst. Microbial Diseases Osaka Univ.
Ikenaga Mituo
Radiation Biology
Yu Dong
Dept. of Radiationbiol., Faculty of Med., Osaka Univ.
Shibuya Hitoshi
Dept. of Radiationbiol., Faculty of Med., Osaka Univ.
- Molecular cloning of the photolyase gene from marsupial
- Maternal effect of the pyrimidine dirnerphotolyase in Drosophila melanogaster.
- The photoreactivation from UV induced larval lethality of first instar in Drosophila melanogaster.