Nishimura Koshi | Institute For Geothermal Sciences Kyoto University
Nishimura Koshi
Institute For Geothermal Sciences Kyoto University
Yamamoto Junji
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Kagi Hiroyuki
Geochemical Lab. Graduate School Of Sci. The Univ. Of Tokyo
Kagi Hiroyuki
Geochemical Laboratory University Of Tokyo
Arai Shoji
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Prikhod'ko Vladimir
Institute Of Tectonics And Geophysics (far Eastern Branch Russian Academy Of Sciences)
石橋 秀巳
佐藤 佳子
佐藤 佳子
Ifree Jamstec
Kaneoka Ichiro
Earthquake Research Institute University Of Tokyo
佐藤 佳子
Arai Shoji
Department Of Earth Sciences Kanazawa University
Nakai Shun'ichi
Earthquake Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Nakai Shun'ichi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
IFREE, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science
Okumura Tasuku
Research Institute Of Natural Sciences Okayama University Of Science
Yamamoto Junji
Institute For Geothermal Sciences Kyoto University
Sato Keiko
Ifree Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology
Sato Keiko
Division Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Kaneoka Ichiro
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kaneoka Ichiro
Earthquake Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
ARAI Shoji
Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kanazawa University
- Intergranular trace elements in mantle xenoliths from Russian Far East : Example for mantle metasomatism by hydrous melt
- Thermal structure beneath Far Eastern Russia inferred from geothermobarometric analyses of mantle xenoliths: Direct evidence for high geothermal gradient in backarc lithosphere