Iversen I.B. | National Institute of Polar Research
Iversen I.B.
National Institute of Polar Research
Sato Natsuo
National Institude of Polar Research
Fujii Ryoichi
National Institute of Polar Research
Miyaoka Hiroshi
National Institute of Polar Research
Sato N
National Institute Of Polar Research
Fujii R
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Miyaoka H
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Ullaland S.
Department of Physics, University of Bergen
Sato Natsuo
Polar Research Institute of China
Ullaland S.
Department Of Physics University Of Bergen
Iversen I
National Institute Of Polar Research
- Preliminary results from the auroral zone ionosphere observations during the AZCO balloon campaign in 1985
- Defining a geoelectric index