柳沼 重剛 | 東海大学
秀村欣二・久保正彰・荒井献(編), 『古典古代における伝承と伝記』, 東京, 岩波書店, 1975., vi+312頁.
JONES, C. P., Plutarch and Rome, London: Oxford UP, 1971, vii+158 Pp. / RUSSELL, D. A., Plutarch, London, Duckworth, 1973, vi+183 Pp. & 1 plate. / WARDMAN, Alan, Plutarch's LIVES, London, Paul Elek, 1974, xi+274 Pp.
STOCKTON, David, Cicero: A Political Biography, Pp. xvi+359, London: Oxford UP, 1971, Hardcover: £3, Paperback: £1.50 / SHACKLETON BAILEY, D. R., Cicero, Pp. xii+290, London: Duckworth, 1971, £3.25
KIRK, G. S., Myth, Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures, London: Cambridge Univ. Press/Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1970, Pp. xii+299, £3.25
ELSE, G. F., The Origin and Early Form of Greek Tragedy (Martin Classical Lectures, XX), Pp. ix+102, Harvard Univ. Pr., Cambridge, Mass., 1965. $ 3.75
POPE, Alexander, The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, edited by M. Mack, N. Callan, R. Fagles, W. Frost, D. M. Knight, being Vols. VII-X of the Twickenham Edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope, Vols. VII & VIII (The Iliad) : Pp. ccli+477, & Pp. xvi+621 ea
CARPENTER, RHYS, Discontinuity in Greek Civilization, Cambridge, 1966, Pp. viii+80, £1
HADAS, MOSES, The Greek Ideal and Its Survivals, Pp. 140, New York, Harper, 1966, $ 1.25