Kimura Mineo | Graduate School of Sciences Kyushu University
Kimura Mineo
Graduate School of Sciences Kyushu University
Pichl Lukas
University Of Aizu
Kimura Mineo
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Yamaguchi University
Li Yan
Bergische Universitaet
Buenker Robert
Bergische Universitaet
Suzuki Reiko
Hitotsubashi Univ
TANAKA Hiroshi
Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
Kato Daiji
National Inst. Fusion Sci. Toki Jpn
Hoshino Masamitsu
Atomic Physics Lab
Makochekanwa Casten
Department Of Physics Sophia University
Cho Hyuck
Physics Department Chungnam National University
KATO Hidetoshi
Department of Physics, Sophia University
HOSHINO Masamitsu
Department of Physics, Sophia University
Hoshino Masamitsu
Atomic Physics Lab:riken
Suzuki Reiko
Computer Center Hitotsubashi University
Pichl Lukas
International Christian University
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
- 14pTE-13 Theoretical study of double electron capture in collisions of C^ with He
- 28aXE-10 Dissociation mechanisms and fragmeted species of H_2O by proton impact
- Experimental Study of C_3F_6 Electron Impact Spectroscopy
- Charge Transfer by H+ Ion Impact from H and Na Atoms Adsorbed on Al(100) Surface