Nagasawa Kazuya | Nikko Branch National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Agency
Nagasawa Kazuya
Nikko Branch National Research Institute Of Aquaculture
Nagasawa Kazuya
Nikko Branch National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Agency
Nagasawa K
Nikko Branch National Research Institute Of Aquaculture
Nagasawa K
National Res. Inst. Aquaculture Tochigi Jpn
Ho Ju-shey
Department Of Biological Sciences California State University
Ban Masatoshi
National Salmon Resources Center
Ohtaka A
Hirosaki Univ. Hirosaki Jpn
Ohtaka Akifumi
Department of Natural Science, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University
Nagasawa Kazuya
National Research Institute Of Far Seas Fisheries Fisheries Agency Of Japan
Kim Il-hoi
Department Of Biology Kangreung National University
- The Juvenile Cresthead Flounder (Pleuronectes schrenki):An Occasional Cleaner Occurring in Lake Notoro, Hokkaido
- Paeonocanthus antarcticensis (Hewitt, 1965): a rare copepod parasite of bathypelagic fish, Bathylagus antarcticus Gunther, from the Antarctic Ocean(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Effects of Acanthocephalus sp. (Acanthocephala : Echinorhynchidae) on the body size and reproduction of isopods (Asellus hilgendorfi)
- Seasonal and regional occurrence of Acanthocephalus sp. (Acanthocephala : Echinorhynchidae) in fishes and isopods (Asellus hilgendorfi) in a lake system in northern Japan
- Occurrence of Caligus lalandei Barnard, 1948 (Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida) on Amberjacks (Seriola spp.) in the Western North Pacific(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Ultrasonic Telemetry for Investigating the Magnetic Compass Orientation of Maturing Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, Migrating off the Coast of Kushiro
- Development of Ultrasonic Telemetry Technique for Investigating the Magnetic Sense of Salmonids