Umezawa O | Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama Jpn
Umezawa O
Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama Jpn
Umezawa Osamu
National Institute For Materials Science
Umezawa Osamu
National Research Institute For Metals
Umezawa Osamu
Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Materials Science Yokohama National University
Umezawa O.
National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai K
Metallurgical Processing Group Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai K
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory For Reliability And Safety National Institute For Material
Nagai K
Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagai Kotobu
National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Nagai Kotobu
National Inst. Materials Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
- The fiber components in the biaxially warm-deformed low-carbon steels
- Analysis of the dislocation structure in warm - deformed steels by the modified Warren - Averbach X - ray profile method
- Improvement of strength-and-toughness balance of recycled steel through ultrarefinement of grain size
- Analysis on Refinement of Columnar γ Grain by Phosphorus in Continuously Cast 0.1mass% Carbon Steel
- Influence of Phosphorus on Solidification Structure in Continuously Cast 0.1mass% Carbon Steel
- 低炭素鋼CC材の柱状γ粒におけるPによる微細化効果
- 高P含有低炭素鋼CC材の組織に及ぼす凝固モードの影響
- Structure of Continuously Cast Slab of High Phosphorus 0.1mass%C Steel
- Continuously Cast 0.1 mass pct. C Steele with High Phosphorus: Microstructural Design and Control
- Continuously Cast 0.1 mass pct. C Steels with High Phosphorus : Microstructural Design and Control