Takita Hiroko | Dept Biochem, Sch Dentistry, Hokkaido University
Takita Hiroko
Department Of Oral Health Science Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido University
Takita H
Central Research Institute
Kuboki Y
Hokkaido University
Takita Hiroko
Dept Biochem, Sch Dentistry, Hokkaido University
Takita Hiroko
Dept Biochem Sch Dentistry Hokkaido University
Kuboki Yoshinori
Dept Biochem, Sch Dentistry, Hokkaido University
Nemoto Kazuki
Koken Bioscience Institute
Yanagisawa Akira
Nihon Institute Of Technology
Kuboki Yoshinori
Dept Biochem Sch Dentistry Hokkaido University
Kaneko Masao
Nihon Institute Of Technology
Uramoto Youichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido Univers
Yoshimoto Ryota
Second Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Hokkaido
Yoshimoto Ryota
Dept Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
Tanaka Nobuyuki
Dept Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
Uramoto Youichi
Dept Oral Health Science, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University
Kamiya Akira
Kameyama Tatuya
Yoshimoto Ryota
Second Department Of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery University Of Hokkaido
Tanaka Nobuyuki
Dept Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Sapporo Medical University
Kuboki Yoshinori
Emeritus Professor Hokkaido University
Kikuchi Masahiro
Laboratory Of Oral Biochemistry Department Of Oral Health Sciences Graduate School Of Dentistry Hokk
Kikuchi Masahiro
Dept Biochem, Sch Dentistry, Hokkaido University
Nakayama Yasuhide
Dept Bio-engineeting, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Matsuda Takehisa
Dept Bio-engineeting, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Matsuda Takehisa
Dept Bio-engineeting National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute:dept Bio-engineering Kyusyu U
Kuboki Yoshinori
Dept. Of Oral Health Science Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido University
Kameyama Tetuya
Kuboki Yosinori
Dept Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
- 2. Tissue-engineered carrier for BMP prepared by laser beam perfora tion of collagen film(8th Annual Meeting of the Socicty or Hard Tissue Biology July 24, 1999 in Asahikwa)
- Geometry of ECM: Formation of three-dimensional bonding between bone and titanium in rabbit calvaria
- Geometry ECM: Principles and advantages of the three-dimensional boding between bone and titanium