Lim Hong | Korea University Ansan Hospital
Lim Hong
Korea University Ansan Hospital
Lim Hong
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Lim Hong
Division Of Cardiology Cardiovascular Center
Choi Cheol
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Seo Hong
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Park Chang
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Kim Jin
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Rha Seung
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Oh Dong
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
Na Jin
Cardiovascular Center Korea University Guro Hospital
- FRS-084 Culprit-lesion Revascularization versus Complete Revascularization in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Drug-eluting Stents(FRS17,Novel Approaches to Treatment of CAD (IHD),Feature
- Lack of Clinical Benefit of Improved Angiographic Results With Sirolimus-Eluting Stents Compared With Paclitaxel and Zotarolimus-Eluting Stents in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Bare-metal stents versus drug-eluting stents in large (≧3.5mm) single coronary artery : Angiographic and clinical outcomes at 6 months
- Mid-term angiographic benefit of sirolimus-eluting stents compared with paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- PE-560 Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients with Acute STEMI Presenting during Working Hours versus Off Hours(PE094,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 2 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- PE-559 Impact of Smoking on the Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(PE094,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 2 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-284 Impact of Presentation Time on Clinical Treatment and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Korea(PE048,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis/Pathophysiology) (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation
- PE-125 Efficacy and Safety of High Loading Dose of Clopidogrel in Patients with AMI Undergoing PCI with DESs in Asian Population(PE021,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circula
- PE-124 Mid-term Angiographic and Clinical Outcomes of Sirolimus-versus Paclitaxel-versus Zotarolimus-eluting Stents in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(PE021,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific
- PE-074 Relationship among Aortic Calcification, Bone Density and Coronary Artery Disease : Simultaneous Assessment by Coronary CT(PE013,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) (I),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation