OKANO Nobukata | Research Center, Sony Corporation
Nakao Takashi
Giga Byte Laboratories Sony Corporation
MIZUNO Takeshi
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Mizuno T
Research Center Sony Corporation
Narui Hironobu
Research Center, Sony Corporation
Matsuda Osamu
Research Center, Sony Corporation
Doi Masato
Research Center, Sony Corporation
HIGUCHI Yoshinobu
Research Center, Sony Corporation
Research Center, Sony Corporation
OKANO Nobukata
Research Center, Sony Corporation
Mizuno Takahide
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Mizuno Takeshi
Research Center Sony Corporation
DOI Masato
Facuty of Engineering, Shizuoka Univeisty
Doi M
Nikon Corp. Tokyo Jpn
Matsuda O
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima Jpn
Matsuda O
Research Center Sony Corporation
Okano Nobukata
Research Center Sony Corporation
Narui H
Sony Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
Narui Hironobu
Research Center Sony Corporation
Higuchi Yoshinobu
Research Center Sony Corporation
Taniguchi Takehiro
Research Center Sony Corporation
Matsuda Osamu
Sony Corporation Research Center
Mizuo Takeshi
Research Center, Sony Corporation