Ueno Yasunari | Department of Cardiology, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Teikyo University School of Medicine
Isshiki Takaaki
The Department Of Medicine Teikyo University School Of Medicine
Isshiki Takaaki
Department Of Cardiology Teikyo University School Of Medicine
Kozuma Ken
CardioCore Japan
Kozuma Ken
Divisions Of Cardiology Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Kozuma Ken
Teikyo University
Kozuma Kumiko
Tokai University School of Medicine
Ueno Yasunari
Department of Cardiology, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Isshiki Takaaki
Department Of Internal Medicine Teikyo University
National Higashisaitama Hospital
- PJ-805 Prognostic Value of Combination of Coronary Artery Calcium and Carotid Artery Plaque Scores for Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease(PJ135,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of T
- PE-468 Angiographic and Clinical Outcomes of Severe Calcified Lesions Requiring Rotational Atherectomy in Hemodialysis(HD) and Non-hemodialysis Patients after SES Implantation(PE079,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (Complex Lesions) (IHD),Poster Session (E
- OE-158 Significance of Pre-test Likelihood of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Coronary Artery Calcium Score Zero(OE27,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 1 (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Soci
- PJ-065 Comparison of Angiograhical Outcomes after Implantation of Sirolimus-eluting Stent in Bifurcation Lesion.(Coronary revascularization, PCI(17)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)