ヒグチ ジロウ | Technician Institute Of Fluid Science
オオバ リサブロウ
Emerit. Professor Of Tohoku University Professor Of Saitama Institute Of Technology
ヒグチ ジロウ
Technician Institute Of Fluid Science
ヒラタ ヤスシゲ
Professor Akita University
ソヤマ ヒトシ
Associate Professor Department Of Engineering Tohoku University
イトウ ユキオ
Professor, Hachinohe Institute of Technology
マツダイラ ヤスアキ
Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology
マツダイラ ヤスアキ
Professor Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Technology
イトウ ユキオ
Professor Hachinohe Institute Of Technology
イコハギ トシアキ
Professor Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University.
アベ ジュンペイ
Engineer Suzuki Co.ltd.
ナカ ヒロノリ
Engineer Nippon Steel Corp.
カトウ ヒロハル
Professor University Of Tokyo
ヨコタ モトヒロ
Associate Professor National Fisheries University
イワサキ マサヒロ
Engineer, Kurimoto Ltd.
タケダ ショウ
Engineer, Nikkiso Co. Ltd.
イトウ タカシ
Engineer,Furukawa Co.Ltd.
ミヤカワ タカシ
Professor, Hachinohe Institute of Technology
タカハシ マコト
Engineer,Tokyo Electric Power Co.Ltd.
シンタニ マサユキ
Engineer, Sumiyoshi, Factory, Kurimoto Ltd.
ウチダ トシヒコ
Engineer, Hikari Steel Works,Nippon Steel Co.
タニ キヨヒト
Engineer, Hitachi Co.Ltd.
ヒラタ ヤスシゲ
Associate Professor, Akita University
リー S.R.
Former Research Associate of the same Institute
トノサキ マサシ
Engineer, JR-Higashinihon Co.
ウラニシ カズオ
Engineer, Dengyosya Co. Ltd.
ウチダ トシヒコ
Engineer Hikari Steel Works Nippon Steel Co.
ミヤカワ タカシ
Professor Hachinohe Institute Of Technology
シンタニ マサユキ
Engineer Sumiyoshi Factory Kurimoto Ltd.
イトウ タカシ
Engineer Furukawa Co.ltd.
タニ キヨヒト
Engineer Hitachi Co.ltd.
タケダ ショウ
Engineer Nikkiso Co.ltd.
タケダ ショウ
Engineer Nikkiso Co. Ltd.
イワサキ マサヒロ
Engineer Kurimoto Ltd.
トノサキ マサシ
Engineer Jr-higashinihon Co.
タカハシ マコト
Engineer Tokyo Electric Power Co.ltd.
ウラニシ カズオ
Engineer Dengyosya Co. Ltd.
- Effect of Polymer Additives on Cavitation Characteristics in Water Flows Through Very Small Nozzles
- High-Speed Stereo-Observations of Highly Erosive Cavitating Flow-Pattern around a Typical Butterfly-Valve of Offset-Leaf-Type.
- Excellent Vented Performance of the Medium-Consistency-Centrifugal Slurry-Pump (1st Report, On a Simple Case When the Air is Naturally Vented Through Four Holes on the Suction Pipe Wall)
- Remarkable Effects of Leading- and Trailing-Edge-Shapes on Violent Vibrations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils.
- Laser Observations on the Inner-Flow-Structure of Highspeed-Water-Jets
- Behavior of Vibration and Noise Caused by Erosive Vortex Cavitation around a Butterfly Valve
- Behavior of Severe Cavitation Erosion Occurring in a High-Specific-Speed Centrifugal Pump due to Vibrations and Noise