Han Chenggao | Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
Han Chenggao
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
Hashimoto Takeshi
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
Yue Li
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
Hashimoto Takeshi
Dept. Of Electronic Engineering Univ. Of Electro-communications
Han Chenggao
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Electro-communications University Of Electro-communi
Weerasinghe Nalin
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
Weerasinghe Nalin
Dept. Of Elec. Eng. The University Electro-communications
Dept. of Electronics Eng., University of Electro-Communications
Dept. of Electronics Engineering, University of Electro-Communication
RAN Chenggao
Dept. of Electronics Eng., University of Electro-Communications
Ran Chenggao
Dept. Of Electronics Eng. University Of Electro-communications
橋本 猛
Dept. of Electronics Eng., University of Electro-Communications
Department of Operative Dentistry, Okayama University Dental School
HAN Chenggao
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Electro-Communications, University of Electro-Commu
Dept. of Electronics Eng., University of Electro-Communications
Department of Electronics Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
Hasimoto Takeshi
Dept. Of Elec. Eng. The University Electro-communications
Hashimoto Takeshi
Department Of Bioinformatics Graduate School Of Allied Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Osaka University
Han Chenggao
Department of Communication Engineering and Informatics, University of Electro-Communications
- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (無線通信システム)
- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (回路とシステム)
- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (信号処理)
- Density evolution analysis of the iterative partial multiuser detector for CS-CDMA/CP (通信方式)
- Generalized detection for CS-CDMA/CP over multipath channels and its comparison with DS-CDMA (無線通信システム)
- CS-CDMA/CP with ZCZ Codes from an M-Sequence and Its Performance for Downlink Transmission over a Multipath Fading Channel(Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications)
- CS-CDMA/CP with the Chu sequence: a bandwidth-efficient multi-access scheme for fast fading multipath channels (通信方式)
- Performance of Coded CS-CDMA/CP with M-ZCZ Code over a Fast Fading Channel
- CS-CDMA/CP with the Chu sequence: a bandwidth-efficient multi-access scheme for fast fading multipath channels (回路とシステム)
- CS-CDMA/CP with the Chu sequence: a bandwidth-efficient multi-access scheme for fast fading multipath channels (信号処理)