Itoh K | Department Of Immunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Itoh K
Department Of Immunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Itoh K
Kurume Univ. School Of Medicine Fukuoka
Itoh Kyogo
Departments Of Immunology ; Departments Of Cancer Vaccine Division Of Kurume University Research Cen
Itoh Kyogo
久留米大学 医学部免疫学
Itoh Kyogo
Department Of Immunology
Itoh Kyogo
Department Of Lmmunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
ITOH Kyogo
Departments of Immunology, Kurume University School of Medicine
Itoh K
Departments Of Immunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Itoh K
Kurume Univ. School Of Medicine Fukuoka Jpn
Department of Immunology, Kurume University School of Medicine
- Identification of new immunogenic peptides in conserved regions of hepatitis C virus (HCV) 1b with the potentiality to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes in HCV1b^+ HLA-A24^+ patients
- New Epitope Peptides Derived from Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 2a Which Have the Capacity to Induce Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in HLA-A2^+ HCV-Infected Patients
- Phase I trial of patient-oriented vaccination in HLA-A2-positive patients with metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer
- Sequence Analysis of Genes Encoding Rodent Homologues of the Human Tumor-rejection Antigen SART-1
- Immunological evaluation of personalized peptide vaccination monotherapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer
- Expression of Tumor-rejection Antigens in Gynecologic Cancers
- Expression of the SART-1 Antigens in Uterine Cancers
- Target molecules in specific immunotherapy against prostate cancer
- Identification of a prostate-specific membrane antigen-derived peptide capable of eliciting both cellular and humoral immune responses in HLA-A24^+ prostate cancer patients
- Phase I trial of personalized peptide vaccination for cytokine-refractory metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients