Miyaji Kouhei | Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
内藤 滋人
Division Of Cardiology Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Isobe Naoki
Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Adachi Hitoshi
Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Toyama Takuji
Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Taniguchi Koichi
Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Kamiyama Hiroshi
Department of Cardiology, Isesaki-Sawa Medical Association Hospital
Isobe Naoki
Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Oshima Shigeru
Division of Cardiology, Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
Miyaji Kohei
Division of Cardiology, Okayama Medical Center
Naito Shigeto
Division Of Cardiology Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center
- PJ-424 Smoke-like Echo is Frequently Observed in the Left Atrium in Patients with Paroximal Atrial Fibrillation Having Thromboembolic Risk Factors(Thromboembolism/Antithrombotic therapy/Thrombolysis-4 (H) PJ72,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversar
- Pathological Findings of Ruptured Tendon and the Mitral Leaflet : Consideration to the Cause of Chordal Rupture(Valvular Heart Disease/Pericarditis/Cardiac Tumor 2 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)