KUBO Osamu | Depertment of Electronic Engineering, Gtaduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Katayama M
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
OKADO Hideaki
Research Center for Ultrahigh Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University
KUBO Osamu
Depertment of Electronic Engineering, Gtaduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
YAMAOKA Nobumitsu
Depertment of Electronic Engineering, Gtaduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
ITOU Sukenori
Depertment of Electronic Engineering, Gtaduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Depertment of Electronic Engineering, Gtaduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
KATAYAMA Mitsuhiro
Research Center for Ultrahigh Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University
Okado Hideaki
Research Center For Ultrahigh Voltage Electron Microscopy Osaka University