EGAMI Hiroshi | Department of Surgery II, Kumamoto University Medical School
EGAMI Hiroshi
Department of Surgery II, Kumamoto University Medical School
Egami Hiroshi
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Science Kumamoto University
OGAWA Michio
Department of Surgery II, Kumamoto University Medical School
Ogawa Michio
Department Of Surgery Ii Kumamoto University Medical School
Ogawa M
Osaka City Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka Jpn
Yamashita Yasuyuki
熊本大学 医学薬学研究部放射線診断学
Yanaga Yumi
熊本大学 医学薬学研究部放射線診断学
Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
OHTA Tsutomu
Center for Medical Genomics, National Cancer Center Research Institute
BABA Hideo
Department of Surgery, Kyushu Cancer Center
- Relationship Between Plasma Cytokine Concentration and Multiple Organ Failure in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
- The potential role of DFNA5, a hearing impairment gene, in p53-mediated cellular response to DNA damage
- Differential distribution of basement membrane type IV collagen α1(IV), α2(IV), α5(IV) and α6(IV) chains in colorectal epithelial tumors
- Successful Treatment of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Originating in the Chest Wall : Report of a Case