Yoon Jong | Pukyong National University
Yoon Jong
Pukyong National University
Yoon Jong
Pukyong Nat. Univ.
Yoon Jong
Dept. Of Information And Communications Eng. Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Yoon Jong
Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Lee Seongwook
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Yoon Jong
Pukyong National Uni.
Park Jihyun
Pukyong National Uni.
Park Jihyun
Pukyong Nat. Univ.
Park Jihyun
Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Lee Phil-Ho
Agency for Defense Development
Park Kyu-Chil
Pukyong National Uni.
Park Kyu-chil
Dept. Of Information And Communications Eng. Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Park Kyu-chil
Pukyuong National University
Park Kyu-chil
Dept. Of Information And Communications Eng. Pukyong National Univ.
Lee Yong-Kuk
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Kim Seong-Ryul
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Lee Yong-kuk
Korea Ocean Res. And Dev. Inst.
Park Jihyun
Pukyong National University
Lee Seongwook
Korea Ocean Res. And Dev. Inst.
Kim Seong-ryul
Korea Ocean Res. And Dev. Inst.
Park Joung-Soo
Agency for Defense Development
Yoon Jong
Division of Electronic, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, Pukyong National University
Yoon Jong
Division Of Electronic Computer And Telecommunication Engineering Pukyong National University
Park Yo-sup
Korea Ocean Research And Development Institute
Jung Baek-Hoon
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Yoo Hai-Soo
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Jung Moon
Pukyong National Uni.
Kim Jongwook
Pukyong National Uni.
Park Kyu-chil
Division Of Electronic Computer And Telecommunication Engineering Pukyong National University
Park Kyu-chil
Pukyong Nat'l Univ. Korea
Bae Jongwoo
Pukyong National University
Ryu Kyongbeak
Pukyong National University, Korea
Lee Seongwook
Institute of acoustic and vibration engineering, Pukyong National Univ.
Park Ji-hyun
Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Rouseff Daniel
Applied Physics Lab., Univ. of Washington
Lee Seongwook
Division Of Electronic Computer And Telecommunication Engineering Pukyong National University
Rouseff Daniel
Applied Physics Lab. Univ. Of Washington
LEE Seongwook
Pukyuong National University
Pukyuong National University
Nam En
Agency for Defense Development
Ryu Kyongbeak
Pukyong National University Korea
Park Kyu-Chil
Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
- 1P6-10 開放気泡発砲体を用いたフローノイズの低減に関する研究(ポスターセッション)
- 2P-66 浅海におけるスクリーン付ハイドロフォンを用いた低周波環境雑音の測定(ポスターセッション)
- 2P-65 水中画像通信における水面揺らぎの影響(ポスターセッション)
- 2P6-4 フェディング水中音響通信チャンネルのビットエラー率の実験的立証(ポスターセッション)
- 1P9-8 海表面のゆらぎによるコヒーレンズの時間的変動(ポスターセッション)
- P2-48 Bit Error Characteristics of Passive Time Reversal Underwater Acoustic Communication due to a Moving Source(Short oral presentation for posters)
- 2-11P-62 2-D TLMモデルと相関を用いた水中音響通信(ポスターセッション 2)
- 2-11P-61 浅海域における短距離音波伝搬損失の周波数依存性の実験的特徴付け(ポスターセッション 2)
- P1-60 Features of the Broadband Acoustic Propagation in Very Shallow Water(Poster session 1)