Nakano Takashi | Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Toyama
- 同名の論文著者
- Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Toyamaの論文著者
Nakano Takashi
Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Toyama
Nakashima Toshihiro
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Maekawa Shohei
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Miyata Shinji
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center And Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya Universit
Miyata S
Kyoto Inst. Technol. Kyoto
Miyata Seiji
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
KIYOHARA Toshikazu
Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Miyata S
Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University:bioscience And Biotechnology Center Na
Kiyohara T
Kyoto Inst. Technol. Kyoto Jpn
Kiyohara Toshikazu
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
- Infant cold exposure changes For expression to acute cold stimulation in adult hypothalamic brain regions
- Central mechanism of neural activation with cold acclimation of rats using Fos immunohistochemistry
- Different effect of oxytocin on membrane potential of supraoptic oxytocin neurons in virgin female and male rats in vitro
- Comparison of the expression of two immediate early gene proteins, FosB and Fos in the rat preoptic area, hypothalamus and brainstem during pregnancy, parturition and lactation
- Hypertrophy of Oxytocinergic Magnocellular Neurons in the Hypothalamic Supraoptic Nucleus from Gestation to Lactation
- Fos expression in the hypothalamic magnocellular neurons of rats during pregnancy, parturition and lactation
- Effect of AV3V lesions on Fos expression and cell size increases in magnocellular neurons of the rat hypothalamus during chronic dehydration
- EFFECTS OF INTRACELLULAR PH ON PROTEIN PHOSPHORYLATION DURING STARFISH OOCYTE MATURATION(Developmental Biology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Phosphorylation of starfish stem-loop binding protein in starfish oocyte extract(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- G-PROTEIN βγ SUBUNIT-DEPENDENT PHOSPHORYLATION OF STARFISH OOCYTE(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan