Shimizu Yuichi | Osaka Laboratory For Radiation Chemistry Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Shimizu Yuichi
Osaka Laboratory For Radiation Chemistry Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Shimizu Y
Tokushima Univ. Tokushima
NISHII Masanobu
Osaka Laboratory For Radiation Chemistry, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Nishii M
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Sugimoto S
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Suzuki N
Inst. Molecular Science Okazaki
Endo M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Osaka Laboratory for Radiation Chemistry, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
SUZUKI Nobutake
Osaka Laboratory For Radiation Chemistry, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
NAGASE Tomohiro
Technical Research Laboratory, Kurabo Industries, Ltd.
- A New and Direct Synthesis of Lactic Acid from Acrylic Acid Using an Excimer Laser with High Intensity
- Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Solutions of Some Mesogenic Metallotetraphenylporphyrins by Nanosecond Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Method
- Surface Modification of Polytetrafluoroethylene Containing Carbonaceous Materials by KrF-Laser Irradiation
- Sruface Modification of Polytetrafluoroethylene by KrF-Laser Irradiation
- Endowment with the Wettability on the Surface of Tetrafluoroethylene-Perfluoroalkyl Vinyl Ether Copolymer by Excimer Laser Irradiation