Otsubo Saika | Institute For Molecular Science And Crest Jst
Institute for Molecular Science, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency
OKANO Yoshinori
Institute for Molecular Science, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Institute for Molecular Science, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Cui H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Cui H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Cui H
Institute For Molecular Science And Crest Jst
Otsubo Saika
Institute For Molecular Science And Crest Jst
Cui Heng
Institute For Molecular Science And Crest Jst
Kuroda H
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Okano Yoshinori
Institute For Molecular Science
- Organic Metals Based on an Asymmetric π Donor PEDT-TSF, (PEDT-TSF)_2FeX_4 (PEDT-TSF = Pyrazinoethylenedithiotetraselenafulvalene ; X = Cl, Br)
- A Magnetic Organic Conductor Based on a π Donor with a Stable Radical and a Magnetic Anion-A Step to Magnetic Organic Metals with Two Kinds of Localized Spin Systems
- Structural and Physical Properties of λ-(BEST)_2MCl_4 (BEST = Bis(ethylenediseleno)tetrathiafulvalene ; M = Fe, Ga) and Analogous Magnetic Organic Conductor