Hotta Norio | Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University:research Center Of Health Physical Fi
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- Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University:research Center Of Health Physical Fiの論文著者
Hotta Norio
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University:research Center Of Health Physical Fi
Ishida Koji
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Nagoya University
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
Katayama Keisho
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Nagoya University
Katayama Keisho
Research Center Of Health And Sports Nagoya University
Sato Kohei
Research Institute Of Physical Fitness Japan Women's College Of Physical Education
SATO Kohei
Research Institute of Physical Fitness, Japan Women's Physical Education
Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
The Faculty of Wellness, Tokai Gakuen University
- The Effect of External Cuff Pressure on Initial Exercise Hyperpnea
- Effect of intensive interval cycling training during unilateral lower limb unloading on aerobic capacity
- The Effect of the Amount of Eccentric Exercise on Ventilatory Response at the Onset of Exercise
- Oxygen uptake kinetics following 20 days of unilateral lower limb suspension
- 1B-21 Effect of short-term endurance training on the ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of voluntary exercise and passive movement(Respiratory Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Ph
- 1B-20 Influence of intermittent hypoxia on exercise responses at moderate altitude in endurance athletes(Respiratory Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (Tokyo))
- Vestibulo-Cardiorespiratory Responses at the Onset of Chair Rotation in Endurance Runners
- The Effect of Intense Interval Cycle-training on Unloading-Induced Dysfunction and Atrophy in the Human Calf Muscle