Choi J‐k | Posco Pohang Kor
Choo W‐y
Posco Pohang Kor
CHOI Jong-Kyo
POSCO Tech. Res. Lab.
CHOO Wung-Yong
POSCO Tech. Res. Lab.
Choi J‐k
Posco Pohang Kor
Seo D‐h
Posco Tech. Res. Lab.
SEO Dong-Han
POSCO Tech. Res. Lab.
LEE Jae-Sang
POSCO Tech. Res. Lab.
UM Kyung-Keun
POSCO Technical Research Laboratories
Um Kyung-keun
Posco Tech. Res. Lab.
Lee J‐s
Posco Technical Res. Lab. Pohang Kor
Choi Jong-Kyo
Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
Seo Dong-Han
Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
Lee Jae-Sang
Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
Um Kyung-Keun
Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
Choi Wung-Yong
Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO,
Seo O
Posco Tech. Res. Lab.
- Formation of ultrafine ferrite by strain-induced dynamic transformation in plain low carbon steel
- Ferrite Grain Refinement by SIDT Rolling in Low Carbon Steel
- Effect of Si on the Strain Induced Dynamic Transformation in Plain Carbon Steel
- Ferrite Grain Refinement by Deformation at Intercritical Temperature in Low Carbon Steels
- Effect of Austenite Grain Size on Ferrite Formed by Strain Induced Dynamic Transformation
- Influence of Deformation above Ar3 Temperature on Ferrite Transformation