Lim Tong-kun | Department Of Physics Korea University
Lim Tong-kun
Department Of Physics Korea University
Kwon Soon-bum
Department Of Digital Display Engineering Hoseo University
SHIN Sung-Tae
Department of Applied Physics, Korea University
Shin Sung-tae
Department Of Applied Physics Korea University
LEE Ji-Hoon
Department of Electrical Engineering, POSTECH
Lee Ji-Hoon
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering and International Environmental Research Center,
Lee Ji-hoon
Department Of Physics Korea University
JIN Jung-Il
Department of Chemistry, Advanced Materials Chemistry Research Center, Korea University
Jin Jung-il
Department Of Chemistry Advanced Materials Chemistry Research Center Korea University
Lee Seung-hee
Department Of Physics Korea University
KWON Young-Wan
Department of Chemistry and Center for Electro- and Photo-Responsive Molecules, Korea University
Kwon Young-wan
Department Of Chemistry And Center For Electro- And Photo-responsive Molecules Korea University
PARK Kwan-Sun
Samsung Advanced Institute Technology
Lee Ji-hoon
Department Of Environmental Science And Engineering And International Environmental Research Center
Lee Seung-hee
Department Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering Inha University
Lee Seung-hee
Department Of Food Science And Technology Chung-ang University
Yoon Tae-Hoon
School of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
Lim Tong-Kun
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
Yoon Tae-Hoon
School of Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Research Institute of Computer, Information and Communication, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
Lee Ji-Hoon
School of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
Choi Min-Ki
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea
Kwon Young-Wan
Department of Chemistry and Center for Electro- and Photo-Responsive Molecules, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
Son Ock-Soo
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
Jang Chi-Woong
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
Lim Tong-Kun
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea
Lee Ji-Hoon
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
- Realization of Grayscale Memory Operation in a Step-Growth Based Polymer-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal System
- A Method for Improving Contrast Ratio of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Film Using the Oriented Azo-Dye Molecules in Polymer Matrix(Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Realization of Grayscale Memory Operation in a Step-Growth Based Polymer-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal System
- Flexible Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cell Stabilized by Column Spacer and Polymer Wall: Influence of Bending and Pressing on the Mechanical Stability
- A Study on the Orientational Ordering Deformation in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal during Bending of the Plastic Substrate